
Diseases consult

Healthcare problems in sow herd, weaning and finishing pigs; lung and cough score, blood sample, biological swabs, post-mortem examination, diagnostic gross pathology, diagnostic tests, test performance and considerations for interpretation

Management consult

Gilts and reproduction management, finishing with growth/conversion index programs management, eradication of diseases programs, drug pharmacology, therapy and prophylaxis, animal welfare and health, disease transmission and biosecurity, pregnancy diagnosis, environmental management of pigs, production performance monitoring, continuing education course for workers.

Nutrition consult

Diet formulation, optimization of feed supply to growing-finishing pigs and breeding sows, elaboration of growth curves, management and elaboration of productive and reproductive data

Last publications


Nella presentazione vengono esaminate le principali criticità riscontrabili in questa fase delicata della vita del...

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E' disponibile presso l'autore l'ultima versione del volume su benessere animale destinato alla formazione del...

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E' disponibile presso l'autore il volume con la nuova versione del lavoro sulla biosicurezza negli allevamenti suini

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Our contacts
Phone number:

Fax: 0376 48780


Address: Via Bertani, 67 46010 Buscoldo (MN)